How to run a successful cleaning business

Cleaning businesses require the management of large teams. To effectively manage a team of cleaners, you must be able see who's working where and if they are being productive enough to produce the desired results.

It is important to ensure that your team members work at an acceptable level of productivity when building a cleaning company. CleanLink estimates that cleaning companies lose as much as 55% annually. The reason? Service quality and performance issues.

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Cleaning companies can make it easier to manage their clients and staff. Here are the most recent insights on how to run your business better.

Cleaning company best practices

These tips will help you grow your cleaning business, whether you are an established company or just starting out.

Prioritize time management

Find out where you spend most of your time and decide where to focus your efforts. Automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks is possible with the right software.

Team management simplified

Having the right tools can make everything easier, from scheduling to payroll. This will allow you to focus on your business' growth and less on its day to day operations.

Up your marketing game

Do you rely on referrals or will they be your main source of income? You should think about your online presence if you are a new business. Make it easy for potential customers and clients to find you. You can get more customers through email marketing, social media, and online ads.

Create a customer service department that is successful

It's easier to retain loyal customers than it is to find new ones. This should be your constant goal. You can increase customer retention by being punctual, providing a positive customer experience and showing up on-time. Square also suggests that you consider a loyalty program to reward repeat customers.

This means that it is crucial to monitor your team's performance and manage your time effectively in order to run a successful cleaning company. Cleaning businesses now have greater insight into the performance of their workforce thanks to mobile workforce management software.

We sought to find out what experts and influential people in the cleaning industry thought about managing crews effectively. Here are their thoughts:


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